SD4LRC Submersible Solids Handling Dry Pit Pump
Parts for this model may still be available. Contact BBC Pump for more information.
Phone: 317-636-1111
The Hydromatic pumpʼs oil-filled motor keeps the windings cool, eliminates moisture and permanently lubricates the bearings to provide reliable pumping service.
First, the oil bath keeps the motor and bearings cool by dissipating heat and maintaining the correct operating temperature. The oil transfers heat generated in the motor windings to the housing where it is dissipated.
Second, the oil bath locks out airborne moisture contamination which destroys motors and bearings. Air carries moisture that condenses with temperature changes and causes premature motor and bearing failure.
Third, the oil bath permanently lubricates the bearings, which minimizes heat and flushes contaminants away from bearing races.
Heat and contaminants cause grease breakdown that leads to premature failure of grease-packed bearings supplied by other manufacturers. Oil-filled motors ensure dependable, reliable service!
You get long pump life because the oil-filled motor dissipates heat from the windings, through the oil, to the outer housing.
The moisture sensor saves money and decreases downtime by allowing you to take corrective action before an expensive bearing or motor failure occurs. Hydromatic pumps incorporate an internal moisture sensor that detects the presence of moisture in the oil chamber.
The sensor’s signal to the warning system lets you know that the lower seal is beginning to leak.
Some manufacturers put a moisture sensor in the motor area which means moisture is detected after it begins affecting the bearings and motor. Hydromaticʼs lower seal moisture sensor allows you to perform immediate maintenance instead of reacting to an emergency breakdown. The internal moisture sensor saves money and decreases downtime.
Hydromatic supplies necessary plumbing to connect the water jacket to the suction and discharge piping. This plumbing includes ball valves that allow easy removal of the water jacket for periodic cleaning without shutting down the system.
Low Maintenance
Hydromatic pumps are virtually maintenance free because the oil-filled design keeps the motor and bearings both fully lubricated and operating in the proper temperature range for very long life. You perform periodic maintenance for bearings and seals less often than required by other manufacturers.
Cooling Fins / Water Jackets (Optional)
When additional cooling is required, Hydromatic can supply pumps with cooling fins or water jackets. Both are designed to keep the motor temperature in the normal operating range.
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Technical Data
Pump Flow:
to 1300 gpm
Head / Pressures:
to 140' TDH
Available Casing Materials:
Class 30 Cast Iron; ASTM A-48
Available Impeller Materials:
, Ductile Iron, ASTM, A-536
Available Horsepower:
5HP, 40HP
See Product Datasheets for Additional Information