Common Applications
- Abraisives
- Chemical
- Industrial Process
- Petroleum/Oil
- Sewage
- Sludge
- Slurry
- Viscous Liquids
S8 Rotary Lobe Pump
LobePro S8 rotary lobe pumps are suitable for slurry, mud, sludge, chemicals, oil, gas and abrasives.
The S8 comes in three different models:
- SS8 (S Series), for Sludge, Mud and Slurries
- CS8 (C Series), for Chemicals and Corrosives
- DS8 (D Series), for Oil, Gas and Abrasives
The S8 comes with two shaft support styles:
- S8p, S-Frame Proform Wet End
- S8c, S-Frame Component Wet End
S Series rotary lobe pumps are typically used to pump sludge to and from thickeners, separators (such as belt presses, centrifuges, and rotary presses), digesters, clarifiers. They are suitable for pumping any wastewater sludge which has had the hard solids over 1/8” and most grit removed for flows up to 2000 GPM and pressures up to 150 PSI. We can specify an in-line grinder, filter or knock-out tank should hard solids larger than 1/8" be present.
C Series pumps utilize stainless steel metal wear parts, silicon carbide mechanical seals, and viton coated lobes making them suitable for pumping corrosive liquids, effluents or process liquors. Other materials and coatings are available if required for your application.
D Series pumps are made from Type 2205 duplex steel and its cast equivalent, CD3mn for use in applications too corrosive for 316 stainless steel. These include applications with fluids containing chlorides, hydroxides, or H2S. D Series pumps can be manufactured to meet API 676 requirements in Oil and Gas applications.
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Technical Data
Pump Flow:
to 70 gpm
Head / Pressures:
to 200 PSI
See Product Datasheets for Additional Information