Common Applications
- General Industry
- Industrial Process
- Pulp and Paper
- Sewage
- Sludge
- Slurry
- Solids
- Trash
- Waste Water
EFQT Self-Priming Trash Pump
EBARA EFQ series pumps are available in a wide range of materials and sizes to handle solids and light slurries efficiently and effectively. The EFQ trash pump features a large volute that allows for quick priming even with the casing only partially filled and an open suction line. Easy to install in various mounting configurations including flex-coupled and horizontal or vertical V-belt, the EFQ series work in a wide range of commercial, municipal and industrial water, wastewater and sewage applications.
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Technical Data
Pump Flow:
to 3400 gpm
Head / Pressures:
to 210' TDH
Maximum Solids Diameter:
See Product Datasheets for Additional Information