Common Applications
- Chemical
- Commercial Buildings
- Domestic Water
- Domestic Water Boosting
- General Liquid Pumping
- Irrigation
- Pharmaceutical
- Water Tretment
CME Horizontal Multi-Stage Pump with Integrated VFD
The Grundfos CME pump has been created with compactness, flexibility and reliability as its central features. This horizontal multistage close-coupled pump is a compact, reliable and quiet pump designed to work in a variety of applications.
The difference between the CM and the CME pump ranges is the motor. CM pumps are fitted with mains-operated motors, whereas the motors for CME pumps have an integrated frequency converter and PID controller.
A Grundfos engineered mechanical shaft seal has been designed to eliminate industry-wide problems with shaft seals sticking where SIC-SIC seal faces are used. The solution builds on both the implementation of a rotation stop on the stationary ring and different surface finishing on both the stationary and rotating rings.
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Grundfos iSolutions
Technical Data
Pump Flow:
to 160 gpm
Head / Pressures:
to 380' TDH
Available Volute Materials:
Class 30 Cast Iron; ASTM A-48, Stainless Steel, 304, Stainless Steel, 316
Available Impeller Materials:
Stainless Steel
See Product Datasheets for Additional Information